Welcome to my webpage, web friends. I am using this site as a space to share info regarding my book about Starday Records (The Starday Story), to provide details about the Nate Gibson & the Stars of Starday project available from Bear Family Records, to dispense mp3s and assorted music geekery from albums past, to offer a few pointers for telling a successful pirate joke, as well as update y'all on my current research and work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
If you are looking for information about my upcoming performances with Nate Gibson & the Stardazers, my next Back to the Country radio broadcasts on WORT 89.9 FM (I currently host the 2nd Wednesdays of each month from 9am-noon CST), stories about record collecting, reviews of my favorite root beers, tips for telling a successful hodag joke, updates on my Finnish research or course offerings at UW-Madison, or photos of my dog, please refer to My Blog via the above tab. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out the site!